De Heus proudly opens feed factory in Yangon, Myanmar
An important step for the livestock industry for Myanmar and the Netherlands.
Saturday the 1st of October was a memorable day in the lengthy history of the family-owned business of De Heus. At this day, De Heus Animal nutrition celebrated the opening of its first factory in Myanmar. This ultra-modern factory has been built over the past six months. With this new facility De Heus gives further substance to its ambitions to strengthen its position in Asia.
For several years, De Heus is exporting nutritional products from Vietnam to Myanmar. In this period, De Heus gained a lot of experience and knowledge about the local agricultural market. Based on the conviction that De Heus can make a valuable contribution to the further professionalisation of livestock farming in Myanmar, it was decided to start the production of feed in the local market. The new plant has a capacity of 120,000 tons, but at a later stage this capacity can be increased up to 240,000 tons. With its location in the immediate proximity of Yangon, the factory is strategically located in relation to the major local agricultural arias. De Heus Myanmar will focus mainly on the poultry sector (biggest sector in size), but also in the pig and cattle sectors De Heus sees ample growth opportunities.
As lead partner in the SAPA (Sustainable and Affordable Poultry for All) consortium this is also an important step in order to improve the quality of corn produced in Myanmar and at the same time upgrade the capacity of both broiler as corn farmers in order to further professionalise the livestock farming in Myanmar.
During the opening, various important actors of the agricultural and livestock sector were present, both national as international. The Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation (Dr. Aung Thu) was present and expressed his admiration and the necessity for investment in livestock and agriculture to improve the Myanmar food security which is necessary to sustain healthy growth. Besides the Minister, also the Ambassador of the Royal Kingdom of the Netherlands in Yangon was present and he expressed his admiration to the fast growth of Myanmar and the openness of the current government to encourage this growth. Finally, he expressed his proudness to De Heus that this Dutch company will contribute to improving the livestock industry and therefore the food security in Myanmar.